RJRC Announces 2022-2024 Fellowship Recipients
The Restorative Justice Research Community (RJRC) is pleased to announce four outstanding scholars as the recipients of the 2022-2024 RJRC fellowship. The four incoming fellows were identified through a competitive call for applications and come from across the US: Kentucky, California, Nebraska, and Colorado. As part of the RJRC, the fellows will serve as thought leaders to help shape the development of a research agenda on restorative justice in the context of the US criminal legal system.
OCT 2022 - NEWS

NACDL State Criminal Justice Network conference
Restorative Justice Research Community (RJRC) steering committee member, Abby Crocker, joined Avery Arrington (National Center on Restorative Justice) and Cymone Fuller (Impact Justice) to present on the intersection of restorative justice research and practice at the 21st annual State Criminal Justice Network conference in West Palm Beach, FL.
AUG 2022 - NEWS

NACRJ Conference, Chicago IL July 2022
The Restorative Justice Research Community (RJRC) steering committee held two sessions July 7th & 9th at the NACRJ conference to discuss restorative justice research and growing the RJRC. The two sessions focused on community engagement and understanding the challenges, needs, and opportunities with restorative justice research..
JUL 2022 - NEWS